Long River Family Farm

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How To Grow and Save Your Amaryllis Bulb For Next Year’s Flowers!

Read Part 1 and Part 2.

Amaryllis is super easy to grow year after year. I have started quite a collection of amaryllis, and while they can be kind of pricey to buy up front if you learn to care for them, they will last you years and years.

Steps for continued care of your amaryllis - How to make your amaryllis bloom again.

  1. Once the bulb is finished blooming, remove the flower stems. Set it in a sunny window and continue to water when the top inch of the soil is dry. Do not cut the leaves.

  2. Once the weather is warm in the spring, set your amaryllis outside in full to part sun for the rest of the summer. You can leave the amaryllis in the pot or plant it in the ground.

  3. Here is where there a several different trains of thought. I will give you both ways of doing this, and you can decide which one you want to try.

    • In the fall, after the first frost, or whenever you feel like doing it. Cut off ALL the foliage above the bulb, bring the pot or bulb indoors, and put it in a cool (50 to 60 degrees) dark place for eight to ten weeks. DO NOT WATER AT ALL DURING THIS TIME.

    • Option number two. Bring your amaryllis inside before the first frost. Please leave it in the pot, or put it in a pot and DO NOT WATER FOR 8 to 10 WEEKS. Just let it be and do nothing.

    • Both options are similar, but the one consists of a dark closet while the other treats it as a normal plant minus the watering.

  4. After eight to ten weeks, bring it out and start the process again, starting at Step 1 of Post 1.

  5. If you want blooms for Christmas, start the dormancy process at the beginning of August by not watering it, etc. This forces the bulb into dormancy. Bring it out at the end of October and start Step 1.

A few notes:

My amaryllis grew, lost, and regrew leaves all spring and summer. So don’t panic if the leaves die off.

The number 1 killer of amaryllis is too much water. I would er on the side of skimping on the water.

Purchase Amaryllis Bulbs and treat yourself and your family to this truly amazing winter-blooming flower.