Flower of the Month - Zinnia

It's time to talk about one of the most underrated flowers. The zinnia.

It's just so amazing and versatile! Whether you're planting them in your garden or using them in a beautiful floral arrangement, zinnias are the perfect choice. Not only do they attract bees and butterflies, but they're also so easy to grow and care for, making them perfect for beginners.

Plus, they come in so many bright colors and unique shapes, making them perfect for creating stunning arrangements. I'm sure they'll become one of your favorites, too!

In the Garden:

To get started, choose a sunny spot in your garden and make sure the soil is well-draining. Plant zinnia seeds about ΒΌ inch deep and 4-6 inches apart, and water regularly to keep the soil moist.

Once your zinnias are around 9-12 inches tall, do the hard thing and pinch them back.

Pinching them back - what is that? Well.... take your clippers and pinch out the center stem, going down to the last 3 to 4 leaf sets. You can do it, I promise. It will trigger your plant to send out more stems and more flowers!

As the zinnias grow, be sure to remove any dead flowers to encourage new blooms. With their vibrant colors and unique shapes, zinnias will add a stunning touch to your garden all season long.

In the Vase:

Ok, your sweet little plants have grown, and now they are sending up stems of flowers that are ready to be cut.

It's harvesting time.... Grab your clippers and clean them well. I like to use these alcohol wipes to clean mine each time. Super easy and super effective.

When we harvest zinnias, I like to do the wiggle test. Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle... Grab the stem and give it a wiggle. Is your zinnia floppy? Or is the stem nice and stiff? If it's nice and stiff, she is ready to be cut. If she is floppy, she needs a few more days.

Just like you did when you pinched, cut all the way down to three of four leaf sets.

Put your freshly harvested zinnias into a nice, clean bucket of water.

To care for your zinnias in a vase, start by filling a clean vase with fresh water. Cut the stems of the zinnias at a 45-degree angle and remove any leaves that will be submerged in the water. Place the zinnias in the vase and display them in a cool, bright spot away from direct sunlight or drafts. Change the water every two to three days and recut the stems at an angle each time to help the flowers last longer.

Favorite Varieties:

My favorite varieties to grow are

Benary's Giant Series

Oklahoma series

Queen Series

I'd like to dive into a few other varieties, but these are the time-tested best varieties I have found so far.

Zinnia are one of the easiest flowers to grow. Throw the seed in the ground and watch them do their thing! The best part about them is that they just keep blooming and blooming and blooming!


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