How to Pick Out Amaryllis for the Best Flower Display.

You have been asking, so here we go!

All the details you need to grow the most beautiful, big, and stunning amaryllis.

The holiday season is not complete without these gorgeous radiant blooms.

But... we should open ourselves to more than just the holidays.

Amaryllis shines when the sparkle and glam are boxed up and put away after the holidays. All our friends and family go home, and we are in our houses, shut in the dark, wind, snow, and cold.

When we all bear through the last few months of winter, longing for sunshine, warmth, and life again. Sitting in our cars, blasting the heat, wishing we were in Florida.


Amaryllis are an amazing part of God's creation. They bloom when nothing else will bloom. They defy winter and thrive and push through the dark with an elegance found in no other winter flowering plant.

Words cannot describe how wonderful amaryllis plants are.

I create a little indoor garden oasis filled with beautiful amaryllis flowers that remind me that underneath all the snow and the cold, life is waiting for the return of spring. God has not forgotten us to winter.

As you can see, it’s so much more than just a beautiful flower. It symbolizes life in the dark and cold. Amaryllis reminds us of God’s handiwork in creation. They bring joy to a room and cause a little sunshine. They fill our hearts with happiness.

So, now you know why you should grow this fantastic plant, it's time to learn what the best amaryllis bulbs are.

If you are a plant killer, then amaryllis is for you.

They are easy to grow and make excellent long-term house plants. Grow them indoors to make a fantastic and stunning indoor winter garden and give them summer vacation outside.

There are two different kinds of amaryllis bulbs.

South African and Dutch.

South African are usually a little bit smaller and bloom earlier. Most of the amaryllis you find blooming around Christmas are from South Africa.

Dutch Bulbs are generally bigger and bloom later, usually between Jan and March.


Picking out the right amaryllis and where to buy them.

Here are a few simple questions to ask yourself.

  • When do you want your amaryllis to bloom?

    Early winter or late winter

  • What color do you want your amaryllis flowers to be?

    Amaryllis come in stunning colors other than red and pinkish apple blossom. They also come in white, yellow, pink, burgundy, stripes, apricot, coral and more.

  • What type of bloom?

    They also come in various shapes and sizes, from mini to doubles, to frilly, to gigantic.

  • What size of bulb?

    Remember, the bigger the bulb, the bigger the show. Bigger bulbs produce more flower stems and bigger flowers. I am for 34 cm or larger. My favorite size is 36-38.

  • How many bulbs do I want?

    Personally, I love grouping them together, and I think you will too. While one alone is lovely, when grouped together its like WOW!

Where can you buy amaryllis bulbs and potted amaryllis gardens?

Most of your normal garden centers, grocery stores, and big box stores sell bulbs for fairly inexpensive. If you are nervous about growing amaryllis, this is a very inexpensive way to try them out.

We carry a selection of unique, premium bulbs and potted gardens. I search hard for the best bulbs, and I know you won’t be disappointed.


Step-by-Step Instructions for Planting and Growing Amaryllis.


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