Step-by-Step Instructions for Planting and Growing Amaryllis.

Part 2

If you missed Part 1, check it out here.

How to plant amaryllis.

Do you have an amaryllis bulb? No pot and no container, just the bulb? Then follow along starting at steps 1 -5.

Steps 1-5 are instructions on how to plant your bare amaryllis bulb. 

  1. Optional: Take your amaryllis bulb and soak the roots in warm water overnight in a shallow pan. Do NOT submerge the bulb, just the roots. 

  2. Find your favorite pot and container. Does your pot have drainage holes? Or is it solid? Place a coffee filter over the drainage hole if it has drainage holes. If it does not have drainage holes, I like to put a little gravel at the bottom of the pot to help with drainage, but it is unnecessary. 

  3. Fill your pot halfway or at least three to four inches deep with premoistened potting soil. 

  4. Nestle the bulb into the dirt, leaving at least 1/3 of the bulb showing. Add dirt accordingly. 

  5. Place your pot in a warm, bright place. After several weeks, you should see the bulb send-up shoots. Wait to water it until it starts growing. 

Steps 6 through 10 - How to care for and continue to grow your amaryllis. 

6. Keep growing your amaryllis in a bright spot and turn daily to keep the stem growing straight. I often forget this step, and my amaryllis is fine. Water as needed. Probably every couple of weeks. 

7. Once your amaryllis starts blooming, you may move it to any spot away from direct sunlight. Direct sunlight will cause the blooms to fade faster. 

8. As the flowers fade, cut them off. You want your bulb to spend energy itself rather than on the blooms once they fade. 

9. Be patient. Your bulb may send up more stems. 

10. Once the flower stalk is bloomed out, cut it down to the base with sharp scissors.

Once your amaryllis is all done blooming, treat it as a normal house plant.


How To Grow and Save Your Amaryllis Bulb For Next Year’s Flowers!


How to Pick Out Amaryllis for the Best Flower Display.